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The Sacrament of Baptism

Baptism is a sacred sacrament in the Catholic Church through which a person is initiated into the Christian faith. It involves the pouring of water or immersion, symbolizing the cleansing of sin and the person's rebirth in Christ. Baptism is the first of the seven sacraments and is considered necessary for salvation, marking the beginning of a lifelong journey of faith and spiritual growth within the Church. Through Baptism, individuals are united with the Body of Christ, become members of the Church, and receive the Holy Spirit. It is typically administered to infants, children, or adults, and is a public declaration of faith in Jesus Christ.

IMPORTANT: ALL documents/requirements must be completed to reserve a Baptism date at St. Margeret's Catholic Church.

Image by Anna Hecker

Application For Baptism 

Both parents and Godparents must attend a one-hour session with the Parish’s adult catechist two weeks before the Baptism. (A list of available appointments will be provided).


I promise to bring my child up in the Catholic Faith and understand that at least one Godparent must be a practising Catholic. I also agree to have an appointment with the Parish Priest to prepare for the baptism and appreciate what is involved.

I give consent for the name of my child to be published in the ‘Congratulations’ section of the Parish Newsletter

Thanks for submitting!

Daily  Services

Saturday Vigil: Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help at 5:15pm & Mass at 6:00pm


Sunday Mass Times: 9:00am & 11:00am

9:00am Children's Liturgy


Weekday Masses and Divine Office: 9:30am

(Mon - Sat) 

Masses are also streamed live


Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:

Tuesdays to Thursdays 10:10am - 12:05pm & Fridays 10:10am - 7:30pm


First Friday (Mass for the Sick): 12:30pm

Choral Adoration on First Fridays 7:00pm - 8:00pm 


Masses on Holy Days of Obligation:  

9:30am & 7:30pm


Sacrament of Reconciliation: After morning Masses &

Saturdays 10:30 - 11:00am & at call

Front view of St Margaret's
St Margaret of Scotland 
Roman Catholic Church
Archdiocese of Southwark

Fir Tree Grove, Carshalton Beeches, Surrey SM5 4NG


Tel: 020 8669 6483


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Image by Mateus Campos Felipe

©2023 by St Margaret of Scotland Catholic Church. Website design by Lisa Nwankwo, supported by Geoff Balls, Cher Furtado and Tiffany Vallo.           Photography by Adrianna Furtado

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